Bible Study Realizations.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Tonight I was at a weekly College & Careers Bible study that some people from my church host. We wrapped up and briefly reviewed our recent study of Nehemiah. I missed quite a lot of that due to school; I was only there for the last three chapters of that book.

Speaking of Bibles, I did this cool thing to my Bible last week that makes me really happy every time I look at it. I found encouraging verses for different scenarios and then put little sticky tabs in there. It looks like this!

So yah. I'm pretty stoked.

But anywho, back to Bible stud (yes, I wrote stud. Let it happen). Before getting into what book we want to study for the month of July, a couple of people were asking some random Christian-like questions, that didn't necessarily have anything to do with Nehemiah. To my dismay, I can't remember the question that was asked, but within someone's answer, they said something that I've heard countless times, but had never really grasped the truth of before.

"Well Elizabeth, what is it that was said?!", is what I'm sure you're asking.

God never changes. I'm right, right? As Christians, we so often hear that said. I'm sure I'm not the only person who hasn't realized the truth of that before.

Something else that was mentioned at Bible study tonight was the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives, and how sometimes It can allow us to do things or say things or have realizations. Lately I've been having a hard time seeing God in pretty much any and all situations going on in my life. But tonight, the statement "God never changes" stuck out to me and I feel that by the Spirit, it has been the beginning of me realizing God's presence in my life once again.

How astounding is it that God never changes!? In case you're like me and maybe have had a harder time understanding that, let me take this moment to break that down for you!

God is love. God is good. God is perfect. God forgives. 

You sin? You're forgiven. Oh, but you've committed this sin multiple times. Guess what!!? God will continue to forgive you. Won't God get tired of forgiving and turn his back? No, no. He's perfect. He never changes. 

God never changes means simply that. Here's another example.

Your friend does something and it makes you upset. You confront them about it and ask them to please not do it again. They respectfully listen to you, and then ask for your forgiveness. You forgive them. Being human, maybe they quickly forget that this confrontation happened. They do this same thing again. And again. And a fourth time. Frustrated, you heave an angry sigh, and slump down, not wanting to forgive them yet again.

Man, we'd be screwed if God had that same earthly attitude! But no, because of the perfection that he is, he willingly and lovingly forgives us each time we ask.

That statement totally stuck out to me tonight and made me realize that no matter how many times in my life I go through this phase where I feel like God is far away, he's not going to one day be like, "Oh yah? Okay. Fine. You're fifty-four and you still sometimes think that I'm distant!? Sure, I'll show you distant!" and then turn away. NO. If he did that, that wouldn't be the God that I know. He's going to continually seek me and place people directly in my path who will point me to God's truths in order to remind me that he is always there.

That's another thing. God will always be there. Hate to break it to you friends, but he ain't goin' nowhere! You're basically stuck with him forever, which is an incredible truth if you ask me. You can't ever do anything so bad that he'll say, "peace out, imperfect earthling!" He'll forgive you. 

I find it so interesting that I've heard this phrase "God never changes" SO many times and tonight it finally sunk in. God's goodness, forgiveness, grace, love, mercy, presence, and so much more are forever. Nothing I do (or fail to do) will ever change who God is.

His character does not change based upon my imperfection.

God is who he is, because he is. God is not on the fence, he doesn't have commitment issues or identity crises. He won't be changing. Ever. Find rest in the fact that nothing you do can change him, no matter what.

Take a listen to this great song that helps capture the unchanging presence of God!



  1. What a great post! I'm glad you broke your writer's block.

    Sometimes the simplest truths just hit you. I love that our God is one who forgives even when we commit the same sin over and over. This was definitely something that I needed to be reminded of.

    Also, I found the phrase "Peace out, imperfect earthling" very funny.

    1. I'm glad that you appreciated the reminder! My goal with this blog is to have some sort of impact on others simply by the things that happen in my own mind :)


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