Who Am I? + The Vision.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Today is the three year anniversary of my blog! With that in mind, as well as the fact that I'm a graduate and my life is no longer heading in a direction that is centered around school, I figured what better time than now to write a post sort of re-introducing myself for the newer readers, as well as sharing what my vision is for this blog in the coming months and years as I move into the "real world".
That's me.
So, who am I? Let's start there.

I'm a twenty-one year old recent Bible college graduate. I've graduated with my Bachelor of Church Music - I'm a voice major. Singing has been something that I've always been passionate about. My brother can tell you stories of me singing about washing my hands and pretty much anything else I happened to be doing when I was a little kid.

My parents are both Christians, so I was raised going to church every Sunday and being actively involved in different Christian-based programs that my church ran. From the age of five - when I accepted Christ as my Lord and Saviour - up until I was about sixteen, I'd say that I pretty much piggybacked on my parents' faith, and felt that because I'd accepted Christ when I was five, my faith walk was fine. I didn't see the importance of cultivating my own personal relationship with the Lord. That finally became a priority to me once I was in grade twelve. I realized that since I wouldn't be living in my parents' house anymore (once I went to college), I would have to make my faith my own if Jesus was truly important to me. And oh, is He ever.

I've written a lot about my internship and my graduation recital since my fourth year started back in September. My recital taught me a lot about planning, handling stress, working with others, and performance. My internship was THE most helpful part of my post-secondary education in regards to effectively preparing me for a life in ministry. I've received a lot of other education throughout my four year degree, both in the classroom and outside of it, that has grown me and developed me into the woman I am now.

And that leads me to where I'll be going in the future, and where my blog will be going as well. The future is v uncertain, l o l. But that's fine. I mean, I definitely wish it was far more certain than it is, but I'm working on trusting God and remembering that He is in control and His plan and timing are better than anything I could ever dream of. 

As for the blog? I plan to continue writing about my life, where I'm at, what God has me doing, and what I'm learning through the uncertainty that is my life. I mean, I do have some concrete plans for the summer, and a fairly concrete idea of what this upcoming fall has in store, but y'all will just have to keep your eyes peeled for posts about said things!!

In a sense my blog is sort of like a diary of my life. But not exactly. You'll never catch me writing a post all about the bagel I ate for breakfast, the fact that I played Webkinz during my shift at work one Friday morning, or cute boys (although there is one in my life, hehe). I love to write about what I'm learning through different situations that God places in my life. So that's pretty much the vision. Trying to see the mess - the brokenness that is my life - as a beautiful adventure, covered in God's grace.

For more of me, check out my personal Instagram, as well as my Instagram account for the blog!
Personal Insta: http://instagram.com/elizabethreda
The Blog Insta: http://instagram.com/brokennessaside.blog

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