The Dream.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

I remember applying to a music program in Bible college back in 2014. I applied because my two biggest passions in life are Jesus and music - singing, specifically. I'd only applied for a one year certificate at the time, not really knowing what it would turn in to. I wasn't really sure if I actually wanted to be a worship leader.

At the end of first year, I applied to the full Bachelor's degree program. I still wasn't sure if I actually wanted to be a worship leader.

Two summers ago, while thinking about the impending internship that I'd have to complete before graduating, I wondered what would happen if I did my internship and realized that I didn't want to be a worship leader or worse, what if I was a terrible worship leader and I'd just wasted four years studying and intending to become a worship leader.
Yeah yeah yeah, I know it wouldn't have actually been a waste of my time, but that's not the point of this post so don't focus on that.

Clearly I still wasn't sure if I actually wanted to be a worship leader.

Source: Andrik Langfield;

Before graduating last spring - but after successfully completing and enjoying my internship - I remember my faculty advisor/mentor telling me not to get discouraged if I didn't get a worship leading job right away.

Blah blah blah, the summer happened, I went to Montréal in the fall, and then I came home and got a worship leading position.

Nine months after graduating.

Fifteen months after leading worship for the first time. I'd sung on worship teams for years, but hadn't actually led until my internship at the beginning of my fourth year of college.

Anyway, I'm saying all of this because I feel like I'm living a dream right now. I finally, in the last few months of 2017, decided that I actually wanted to be a worship leader.

In the first month of 2019, I got my first job as a worship leader.

Tomorrow I'm taking part in my first all-campus event for the church plant I work for (there are four campuses of this church). It's been a full day; I had to go to the city where our main campus is this afternoon to rehearse for tomorrow.

But before that rehearsal, I led music at a ladies' event at my home church. While driving to my home church at 8am this morning, I was reflecting on the busy day ahead of me. As an introvert, I wasn't the most stoked about having so much to do, and having to meet new people at the rehearsal in the afternoon. But I quickly stopped myself when I had this realization.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

I wouldn't want my job, my life, how I spent my Saturday to be any other way.

I don't want to be working in retail. I don't want to be behind a desk from 9:00-5:00. I don't want to... yikes, I ran out of job examples pretty quickly. But my point is that nine months after graduating with my Bachelor's degree, I have the job that my Bachelor's degree qualifies me for.

It's definitely intimidating sometimes. Within the church I'm working for, I'm the youngest, newest, and only female worship leader. But I love the people I work with. I've been working at this church plant for just barely more than three months, and I'm living a dream.

Fifteen months ago I wasn't sure if I actually wanted to be a worship leader.

Here I am now, having had a full day of worship leading and worship leading-related rehearsals, knowing full well that this is what I want to be doing. I was made for this. I'm living the dream.

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