Autumn, Lessons, + Change.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

I have always been someone who'd say that spring is their favourite season. Not the early spring, where everything is grey and squishy and slushy and half-melty, but the almost summer, birds chirping, trees blossoming, 'I should maybe wear a sweater still but I'm not going to because it's spring' part of the season.

Over the past couple of years, however, I've become a huge fan of fall. I used to say that it was almost my least favourite - next to winter - because it leads to winter and all of the plants die and animals hibernate and it gets dark earlier and everything just seems more grey and dull. Bleh.

Rattlesnake Point, October 2019

But fall is beautiful and colourful and picturesque (see above), not to mention I love Thanksgiving almost as much as I love Christmas. This cooler season also means sweaters and cozy clothes and chunky scarves and pumpkin spice lattes (yep, I had to say it). Plus I have an autumn birthday, sooooo what's not to love??๐Ÿ’๐Ÿผ‍♀️

This year I've been anticipating the fall since the last week of August. I vividly remember making my Sunday morning commute to the office on August 30th and having this feeling come over me. I can't even describe it really... It was sort of this electric, tingly feeling of excitement for the change of season, the anticipation of what's to come. Or maybe I was just excited that pumpkin spice lattes came back on the 29th; it's hard to say really.

What I know for sure is that this fall has definitely been a season of change for me. I have so many thoughts and half of them I don't want to share which is why "write blog post" has been on my to-do list for at least two and a half months now and nothing has come of it. So I don't want to say "I'm baaaack", but I kind of am...? Maybe??? At least for right now so heyyy! Welcome back to my blog.๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿผ✌๐Ÿผ

I don't like change.

But autumn is a season all about change, isn't it? The leaves change colour, we change the clocks back, we have to change out our wardrobes for the cooler weather, when students go to school they have to change classes and teachers and schedules from what they had gotten used to the previous year. And I mean, we all know that this fall season has seen it's own set of changes what with COVID-19 and all.

I don't like change.

I've said it already but it bears repeating. Maybe you can relate with me, but it's easy for me to get way too comfortable with how things in life are at a given time. I can catch myself getting angry, increasingly anxious, and simply unsettled when circumstances start to move in a way that I'm not familiar with. Sometimes I can almost convince myself that my job will stay the same, my relationships will never change, I will never like something that I previously didn't or grow to dislike something I used to enjoy. But life is lived in flux - things are always ebbing and flowing. Haven't we been learning that with through this pandemic? The numbers are up, the numbers are down; the statistics are changing on the daily!

That's why I'm writing this. It's a reminder to myself, as most of my posts are, truth be told - a public reminder - that change is inevitable!!! I make situations more complicated for myself when I choose to dislike the change and expect it not to come. Because it will.

It always does.

I mean, just this morning my church announced that our monthly in-person church service scheduled for next Sunday is going to be cancelled for this month. I wasn't expecting that. And not that I was going to make a fuss about it, but imagine if I had. Would that get me anywhere? Not particularly, other than getting some weird looks and comments for making an unnecessary scene.

Because change. It's everywhere.

And change doesn't have to be negative! This season (fall and life) has been one where I've taken more time to be in tune with myself, figuring out what God wants for me and what I want for myself in terms of what I decide to spend my time on, and who and what I choose to fill my days with. If this fall and these months and this season of life hadn't been changing in the way that they are, I wouldn't be learning quite as much about myself as I am right now.

...Or maybe I would be. Just not in this way. Perhaps in a less obvious fashion, but I'd probably still be learning.

Because change is constant. And so is the LORD..... constant, that is. I'm thankful this Thanksgiving weekend that He never changes.
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." (Hebrews 13:8)

What an awesome promise that is.๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ‚ 

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